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The Tasks screen is a compilation of all the tasks associated with your current workflow, which is further steamlined by the filters you apply to it. It allows users to efficiently manage and complete user tasks that are part of the selected business processes.


View User Tasks:

When a process is deployed in A8Studio using BPMN, user tasks are defined. For each process instance, when the flow is executed and a user task is encountered, a task is generated. This task can be assigned to an individual, a group, or remain unassigned.

  • Tasks assigned to the user appear in the 'My Tasks' list
  • Tasks assigned to their group are listed under 'My Group Tasks'.
  • Unassigned tasks can be viewed in the 'All Tasks' list

Regardless of the assignment status the Tasks screen displays all user tasks that are part of the running processes. These tasks require some form of interaction from users. This interaction can involve updating information, adding variables, filling out a form, or simply marking the task as completed.

Task View

Tasks can also be viewed as a list by clicking on the List icon.


Starting an Instance:

  • Click the Plus Button. It display the list of deployed process definitions from the Apps created in A8Studio (or deployed via API). Note: If a process definition has multiple versions, only the latest version is shown.
  • Select the required definition from the list.
  • Hit the "Proceed" button to start the instance.


Task Cycle:

Getting assigned to a task:

When you want a task assigned to you, you can select the 'Claim' button to claim a task. When a user is granted the Task access, the user has full access to the respective process instance data.

Working on assigned tasks:

Select the 'My Tasks' list to view tasks assigned to you. Choose a task to start working on it.

Completing a task:

When a task is assigned to you, complete it by filling out the provided form and clicking the 'Complete' button.

Task Card:

The Task Card contains important task-related information. It displays the following details:

Task DetailDescription
Name:This is the task's name as defined during task creation in A8Studio.
Assigned To:Indicates the person to whom the task is assigned.
Variables:The displayed variables can be configured, with up to 3 variables visible. The variables can be configured in the filter's settings (Manage Filters > Edit Filter > Edit Columns), and the selection of the 3 variables can be adjusted under App's settings (Settings > Apps).
(Note: If a variable has no assigned value, it will display as '-'. For example, if a variable only receives a value in the 5th form, it will show as '-' in the first 4 forms.) Displaying variables in the Task Card helps distinguish specific instances, even when multiple tasks share the same name.
Process Definition Name:Displays the name of the associated process definition.
Time:Indicates the time duration after the task was initiated.
Checkbox:This checkbox is selected when you need to "Claim" or "Unclaim" a task.