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Lottie Player

The Lottie Player enables the playback of animations that are in the Lottie format. This format is basically a JSON-based animation file format that allows the creation of vector animations, which are scalable and easily transferrable across platforms and devices. Thus, the Lottie Payer makes it easy to incorporate complex animations into your applications.


Lottie Player Properties

URLEnter the URL of the Lottie file

API Methods


Sets the Visibility flag for this component.

setVisibility(visible: boolean): void


Sets the visibility condition for this component.

setVisibilityCondition(condition: string): void

Event Handlers

Event handlers allow you to set triggers for various actions based on the fired events. They are as follows:


onPlay - Sets the actions to be performed when the Lottie media begins to play. For example, you can display a message or change the appearance of the player controls.


onComplete - Sets the actions to be performed when the Lottie media file has completed playing. For example, you can have the app display a form or a landing screen after the Lottie file has finished playing.


onClick - Sets the actions to be triggered when the component is clicked.