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A Journey is what defines the "Workflow" and drives your application from start to end - from None to Done!


A workflow is a set of interdependent tasks or processes that work in tandem to achieve a common business goal. These series of tasks assigned within a workflow have preset, user-defined rules and conditions. The processes are linear and can be completed sequentially or parallelly.

Note: Processes exist within all types of businesses and industries - from product manufacturing to order delivery. Every process involved follows its predefined set of rules or conditions.

A journey in business process management (BPM) can be described as simple sequences of independent tasks. In contrast, within a business process, a journey usually consists of various workflows that include data, information systems, people, and their work plans. Journeys are simple and repeatable, usually visualized with diagrams or flowcharts.

A8Studio offers two types of Journeys - Assisted & Solo

A) Assisted - When multiple actors from a company are present and work on behalf of others. (Anything that’s a business process, e.g., loan origination.)

B) Solo - An user starts and completes the journey. Technically, a single-task journey is a Solo journey where only the customer interfaces with the application. The individual user completes the entire journey. (Typically, the deployment model is run on the web, e.g., credit card application form or a survey.)

Here’s an example of a journey that involves an employee applying for leave in an organization

BPMN Workflow Journey Process

Workflow Automation

Workflow automation is a software tool that automates complex manual processes like customer chats and data entry. It helps facilitate a business process within an organization, simplifying the tedious manual processes and workflows with faster and more accessible digital processes.

Such automation is achieved by enabling the interaction between multiple individuals and their information systems.

The workflow management system identifies the right individuals for the tasks and provides them with the necessary information, thus making the overall process much smoother. And it clarifies the individuals' roles and tasks.

This workflow automation ensures a careful digital transition, supporting both automated and manual tasks; everything happens smoothly.

Incorporating workflow automation in an organization will increase its productivity since automation aids in the coherent completion of a task. The outputs are error-free, which directly increases customer satisfaction.

A standardized workflow will let the employees know their responsibilities, so they won't stray from their work. This system doesn't pave the way for micromanagement, as it emphasizes self-management by the employees, which leads to increased productivity. Once a workflow is set, the same result can be achieved every time, even if there's an employee change. A clearly set workflow will let you track any mistakes and monitor an employee's performance.


Workflow automation by Autonom8 is built on a SaaS platform that enables your processes digitization with the least effort.

The end-to-end automation process will reduce overall expenditure while increasing customer satisfaction. Our workflow automation tool allows you to manage the business processes much better, thus increasing your operations' efficiency and effectiveness, thereby enabling your "digital transformation" and "process improvement" initiatives.

Our low-code enterprise platform will understand your needs and automate your workflows. If you are looking for software to manage workflows for your organization, try the Autonom8 platform.