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Offers a quick way to gather user feedback.


The "Rating" widget is a UI element that's used for capturing user feedback for a specific service, product, or item. The widget displays a row of stars (or the icon of your choice), which the user can select to register an appropriate rating. The selected rating can then be used for various purposes, such as feedback, ranking, or recommendations.

Rating Properties

Choose from one of the available icon options.
Note: On selecting "Custom Icon", you will have to provide the URLs of the custom icons.
W - (Width)Sets the width of the rating icon.
H - (Height)Sets the height of the rating icon.
Half Select Rating
Allows the rating to be changed at increments of "Half" a point.
Custom URL
Enter the URLs of the Custom Icons - for the Selected, Unselected, or Half-Selected options in the respective fields.
Switch between the properties Tabs for the Selected or the Unselected.
Border ColorChanges the border color of the (un)selected icon.
Fill ColorChanges the fill color of the (un)selected icon.
Click: Displays the rating only on click.
Hover: Enables a rating preview on mouseover; however, the rating is applied only on click.
Show Rating Value
Displays the rating value in numbers.
Text ColorSets the color of the rating value.
Font SizeSets the size of the rating value.

API Methods


Sets a Label for the component.

setLabel(label: string): void


Sets the Visibility flag for this component.

setVisibility(visible: boolean): void


Sets the visibility condition for this component.

setVisibilityCondition(condition: string): void

Event Handlers

Event handlers allow you to set triggers for various actions based on the fired events. They are as follows:


onClick - Sets the actions to be triggered when the component is clicked.