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The "SignaturePad" widget allows users to sign digitally - they will be able to use a mouse, stylus, or finger on a touchscreen device to draw their signature. It captures the signature as an image file which is then stored within the applications.


SignaturePad Properties

These are the basic properties of the SignaturePad widget. To access the properties tab, click on the "equalizer" icon (3rd from left) on the top-right of the screen. Now, let’s take a look at the features available in the Properties tab:

  • ID - A unique alpha-numeric code that’s auto-generated when the component is placed on the canvas.

  • Visible - A checkbox that lets you show/hide the component on app deployment.

  • Hide/Show Element - Lets you set the condition to either hide/show the component after app deployment.

  • Label - Display the name of the component on the app.

  • Bind - (…link to the bind page)

  • Placeholder - Text that's usually displayed within the widget's text area - ideally to guide the users with examples or a brief of the widget.

Style Properties

Stroke Width (Min/Max)Sets the minimum and maximum thickness of the strokes (lines).
Dot SizeIts the no. of pixels a single dot occupies (a mouse click).
Stroke ColorSets the color of the stroke.
Border Style (Solid/Dashed)Choose between a "Solid" and a "Dashed" border.
Actions (Save/Clear/Remove)Save: Saves the signature to a bind in an image format.
Clear: Clears the signature from the screen; however, the signature stored in a bind is not.
Remove: The signature is cleared from the screen and its bind.

Action Properties

The actions mentioned above (save, clear, and remove) have separate buttons assigned to them. These buttons feature a set of "properties" that let you customize their appearance - which are as follows:

Action PropertyDescription
Text ColorSets the color of the text.
Border RadiusChanges the curve-angle of the border's edges.
Border WidthChanges the thickness of the border.
Border ColorSets the color of the border.
BackgroundSets the background color of the widget.

Using the Signature Pad

Step 01Step 02Step 03
Tap on the Signature Pad to open the "Signing" area.
(The signing area) Sign here.
You have two options (Clear/Save).

Clear: Clears the "signing area" so you can start over.
Save: When you are satisfied with the "sign" and want to proceed with it.

[Note: The sign is saved to a BindParams, in an image format.]
-Step 04 (Optional)Note!
The next page displays the selected sign.
Suppose you change your mind about the selected sign and want to retry.
On clicking "Remove", the process restarts back from Step 01.